Wish I was 3 months earlier. That is a hard lesson to learn. I had my book almost ready about a year ago but due to my procrastination attitude... it stays there untouched. Last month, I pushed myself and it took me only around 2 weeks to finish writing it.. I submitted early this month! Now, I have to compete with the other book but the writer is a pro.... won't be able to beat him. So like they say - if you can't beat them, join them. What did I do? Yesterday, I wrote him an email, telling him about my book and also suggesting him that we should be working side by side. I have to learn from this pro too!!!
This is life.. Most of the time, you can never be the best. And at times, you can never beat the rest. But the sweet thing that you can also learn is how to create success by joining others - those who beat you. You don't have to be the best - you only have to try your best. Again, if you can't beat them... join them.
Now I am waiting for the editing proess. I can't wait to have it published .. And I have a long list of books to write. They are all in my head and perhaps, if I push myself to write them just like I have pushed this one, I would be able to have more books published in the near future. Many great Imam of Islam wrote many books in their lifetime. Wish I can leave many books behind.. at least, a book of my autobiography. Won't that be interesting?
Our life have become too complicated. People used to live simpler lives. They don't need insurance... no road tax to pay, no bill to settle, no courses to attend, no KPI (key performance index;-p ) to fulfill... and if we let our mind create excuses, I am sure the list will go on and on. If only we realize that life is short ... we won't be spending too much time on things like facebook, twitter... and so on. The great scholars used their time wisely.. reading and seeking knowledge by traveling and meeting scholars of their time before their themselves become scholars. I read about Imam Shafie - by the age of 15, he has already giving fatwa due to his vast knowledge of Islam.
I am no scholar... My book is about a software that is useful for graduate students. And perhaps, I will promote the software with that pro... helping him and assisting him in any way possible. In fact, he has promoted the software to his faculty to be used by graduates and under graduates. Me? I am going to conduct courses to our graduate students. I have conducted one for my research methodology class students. It was going quite well. I will promote to the undergraduates also. A friend at other university had also invited me to give training to their staff. Although I am not a pro, with a good backup, I am sure I would be able to excel, insya'Allah. This is the beauty of working in a team and having backups.
So now, I am considering of writing another book. Perhaps a travelog of my future trip to Beijing (end of February). I have the structure of the book in my head now... when you have passion, nothing should stop you. I've heard people wakes up early like 3am in the morning to write. Perhaps, I should be more passionate and continue writing....
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.
And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Harold Whitman
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