Monday, 6 September 2010

Giving Charity

I am feeling rather sad as Ramadhan is leaving. Perhaps many of us feel secure that Ramadhan will come again next year but will it, in our lifetime? As we can't predict or should I ask if the advance technology can ever predict the time when our soul leaves the body? I don't think so. Anyway, it is good to do good deeds while you are still alive and one of them is giving charity - which shouldn't wait. Some people wait until they die and put in their will that some of the wealth goes to charity. That is ok too but it is better to do it now and then.

Giving charity is quite complicated. At times, you are tested and do not know whether to give or not to give. For example, while you are eating at a comfortable restaurant, someone came to you and ask for money. He looked perfectly well. Should you give or should you not? You might want to keep your integrity by giving some money and the only change in your pocket is RM50 and a 50cent coin. What should you do?

Yes.. when Allah tell us to give charity, He said, "[9:60] Charities(Sadaqaat) shall go to the poor, the needy, the workers who collect them, the new converts, to free the slaves, to those burdened by sudden expenses, in the cause of Allah, and to the traveling alien. Such is GOD's commandment. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise". He did not mentioned the situations and how much should you give. But then, He sent his messenger as to guide us to do good. Our belover prophet, Muhammad (pbuh) never turn down any appeal for help. He would help and give charity without worrying having less. Can we not do the same?

Recently I heard a nice talk by Aagym, who gave this scenario. You are at a traffic light. A man came to you and ask for money. You adviced him, "Why don't you work and take care of your own living". The man grumbled and said that if you do not want to give, just keep your mouth shut. Then he went to the other car and ask for money. The man gave him some money. When the beggar left, you asked the man, "Why did you give him money". He said, "I heard that the prophet never turn down anyone's request, that is why I gave". Then you said proudly, "I give charity, in a form of advice". The man smiled and said, "Good but is it not better for you to give him some money first, and then give an advice". That way, he'll listen!

So the moral of the story is not to turn down any request of those who needs your help if you want to follow the sunnah.

Abdullah bin Mas’ud reported that the prophet S.A.S said, “There are three kinds of people who are loved by Allah, a man who gets up at night to read the Quran, a man who gives alms with his right hand so secretly that he conceals it from his left hand , and a man in a battalion who encounters an enemy when his companions are routed.”(the one who fights in the cause of Allah and shows courage and steadfastness)

Abu Hurayrah reported that the prophet S.A.S said, ” Charity is incumbent upon every human limb everyday. Bringing peace between two contending people is charity, helping a person to mount a camel or loading his baggage for him is charity, every step taken towards a mosque is charity, and removing anything from a roadway that causes an inconvenience is also charity.”

So what's the verdict. Should you give that RM50 or the 50cent? If you want it to come back in manifolds, which one would give you more? See, our Math can be deceiving!

Allah knows best.

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