Wednesday, 7 January 2009

New Year is here

The new year is here.. 2009 and at the same time, the new Islamic year was celebrated about 10 days ago. It is already 10th of Muharam and many are fasting today. I believe everyone wants goodness but we simply forgot ourselves sometime - who we are and where we are going. Isn't it  sad to look back when the past memories are not so proud to remember. Well, we need to look at the past mistakes as a motivation to correct ourselves. Even small error that we do, we need to reflect because these small errors will not stay small - they'll grow if we are not careful enough.

So can we have a few small things that we promise to do for ourselves as Allah said, if you do good, you do good to yourself and if you do bad deeds, you do bad against your own self. So what are the small things that we can promise ourselves that is good to share....

(i) Pray on time. Virtues are showered differently according to time and day. I heard from a very reliable source that during the early praying time, all the goodness in terms of time is there. When we pray early, the goodness will be ours and it will lessen as time progresses. That is why we are urged to pray early, to wait on the prayer mat for the call. I remember a close friend in Germany who was close to my husband. My husband likes to travel and invited him to come along. He said he doesn't feel comfortable as he likes to be on the prayer mat when the prayer time comes. We all should adopt this habit! 

(ii) Give charity every day... if you see an old man cycling a trishaw who looks very poor and tired.. why don't you give him a tenner (RM10). See how he reacted. It should put a smile on his face. Or a boy walking along a street going to school... give him a RM1, he should be smiling all day!

(iii) Pay for your friends meal at least once a week. If you go with a friend, pay for him/her. It doesn't make you poorer. Remember that Allah will return a manifold.  I remember Sheikh Mohsen of Swansea mosque.. whenever we have anyone throwing a meal for everyone (like akikah or anything at all), he would make a prayer that the person will not left hungry in the day of judgement.

(iv) Be kind. Do small kindness everyday - let it be taking a friend to the market, buying your mom her prune juice, lending a friend some money etc. You never know that small kindness might mean the world to them.

(v) As a muslim, we should be environment friendly. Print less paper.. if you can recycle, do it. ANything that is worth recycling, keep and put it separately. This earth is an AMANAH and we have to keep it clean and safe. The western people are very careful about this... I remember when I was in Swansea, it amazed me to see how much time they take segregating their waste items - papers/magazines/furnitures/woods/plastics.. etc. I remember I read about a woman who was a teacher - She had only like 1 bag of garbage every month. What she did was recycling almost everything.. she will make sure the toothpaste tube is squeezed thoroughly and then cut it to make sure there's really nothing inside because the container is not bio-degradable. Whatever she can reuse in the kitchen, she would keep for later... 

(vi) Don't condemn people... try to think what others do that is bad as a test from Allah. Speak less and learn from others. People who likes to condemn others usually thinks highly of themselves.. they think they are better than most. This is bad. I am reminding myself, actually!

(vii) Read lots of quran.. it should solve your daily problem... whatever problem you have, quran will give the solution... 

(viii) Praise Allah by saying subhanallah, alhamdulillah and allahu akbar all the time whenever or wherever you are. Sheikh Anwar Alawlaki once asked his students to think what are the things robbers like to steal from a house... of course, smallest things, easiest to carry and high in value. Tasbih to Allah are like those things.. they are easy to do, you can do while walking, jogging, cooking .. anywhere and wherever you are, does not cost anything (only repeating with your tongue) AND the most important is that it is high in value in the sight of Allah. I heard that for each tasbih, Allah will plant a tree in jannah for you. Easy? So let's do it!

(ix) Be kind. Do small kindness everyday - let it be taking a friend to the market, buying your mom her prune juice, lending a friend some money etc. You never know that small kindness might mean the world to them.

Hopefully we can all do these small things ... isn't it good to start small??? 

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