Wednesday, 17 December 2008

The true image...

We were driving along near our house when we drove past an old man. He was trying to hitch hike to an opposite direction. Both of us looked at him with amazement. He was wearing a long white dress with long white trousers like muslim traveller used to wear (I guess!) His attire showed that he was a traveller as it was not crispy white. He also have his "serban" on top of his head. 

I was saddened. This old man needed help but with the current condition, I can't do anything. I might be risking my life. But he looked authentic. I wanted to help but my daughter said no. 

A sudden feeling came over me. He looked like a pious man but still, he looked strange. Most importantly, in this area, he looked different! What had happened to us? This man looked weird? How weird is it to look like a real muslim? Now such appearance is a stranger to us. When people wear western attire, they look ok - normal. But when someone wear the proper muslim attire, they look abnormal.. must be something wrong! They are like coming from outer space, or from another dimension. 

Then look at Islam. When people wanted to implement proper Islamic teaching, we put all the wrong labels because those teachings are not familiar to us... we got confuse between what is culture and what is islam. We got really confuse. At which point have we gone wrong? I don't have the answer to that.. never will. But we can all help to improve the situation by reminding ourselves and others to learn the real meaning of Islam. If we go out from our own country, then it is easier to see. Islam is not about being a Malay, a Chinese, an African or an Arab. It is not about culture but a way of life... which way of life. Perhaps many of us are too confuse to answer now. Unless we can see proper examples, we will continue being confused. May Allah send to us people who can lead the way.. the right way to true ISLAM. The true image! 

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