I've not written for sometime. Usually at time like this, my readers(not too many) will ask me to write something. Tonight, after rushing for many different tasks day after day, I am a bit relax at home - I've just hand in an assignment at a very last minute. Everything now is done at the last minute. At the very last minute, your ideas come rushing because you know that you just can't afford to wait anymore - so you strive hard and put more effort than you used to. Alhamdulillah.. so far, it works. But it is never good to procrastinate. I am reminding myself now over and over again. But usually you don't have any choice - there are too many things to do but too little time (?). Who's fault is that?
Talking about time... it makes me think about the time I am spending each day. Have I benefited what God has given me - time, health and wealth (don't think that Allah will ask about wealth only to millionaires.. we all have our own share of wealth). These 3 things are the most precious bounties in life that if you use them well, it can take you to your true destination of life - ALLAH. Have you ever feel pain and say to yourself... "Oh, hopefully it is not today... please, not now. I haven't done much" as if death will wait until you are ready. When I told this to a friend, he said "common, man! you are not a prophet!" (The death angles ask permission from prophets before their soul are taken). So the question is ARE WE DOING OK? I don't want to answer that question here - the question that I ask myself everyday now...
Friends - how do our friends feel about us. This is about relation with human beings. Do they think that you are kind? Or are you generous? Are you helpful? Are you respectful? Are you friendly to your customers/students/employers/colleagues.... Don't you feel like sometimes or most of the time you can't fit in. Like there are no more friends like it used to be. Where are all those friends that you enjoy to be with? Do you really need them or you can always find new circles of friends. Believe me.. the older you get..the more difficult it is to find kindred spirits... at least, I think so. You kinda think like... oh, he/she's not like.... you want people to be like those people you used to like. You kinda collect many preferences as you grow older - like collectible items they are - so precious, you don't want to let go. Am I getting philosophical?
Oh.. I come across this sentense - a letter written by a friend of Liyana. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had (funny but nice).
How about our relation with Allah, the Creator? Have we learnt his words in the Holy book? I believe we all have to learn the language of the heaven. I guess we can never know what we are missing until we understand the arabic language and study His words. How unfortunate for us not knowing what He has commanded us, the glad tidings, the warnings, the stories... if we can eat the best food on earth and not just hear from someone describing how delicious the food is - big difference, eh? Allah said, "Those who listen to the word and follow, the best in it: those are the ones whom God has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding". I believe every each one of us has to put an effort in studying the Arabic language. Allah won't mind that in the process of learning, death took you by surprise... then it probably is ok, wallahu a'lam.
To be able to say that we are ok... then we have to be in the process of learning at least. So why not we all put an effort to do something about this.... yes, why not???
Victory and Help go with calmness of mind,
Faith, fidelity, zeal and earnestness
not with greed, lukewarmness, or timidity,
Discipline and obedience are essential
for service. The rewards for service are not
to be measured by immediate results,
But accrue to countless hidden ways
For Patience and Restraint. Be strong
Against Evil, but kind and gentle amongst
Yourselves: the seed will grow and become
Strong, to your wonder and delight.
(From Quran Translation by Yusof Ali)
I believe we all can be victorious. Allah is indeed fair to everyone. That is why when we talk about happiness.. it doesn't take wealth to make someone happy. If wealth is the measure of happiness, wouldn't it be unfair? But happiness is truely from your inner self - which everyone is capable of achieving. It takes time but the seed will indeed grow at its own pace with our own effort and Allah's will, of course.
We don't have to take a big step... a continuous step one at a time is better than a big one or two leap that tires you. We should be realistic and practical. Any good that we do, Allah will multiplies. So let's take that step, without waiting for the perfect time ... so that when we have that pain tomorrow or any day at all, we can say "Oh Allah, here I am... eager to meet You".
"Learn, ye, therefore, Humility, and approach God's throne in repentance and Earnest Endeavour".